Individual counseling is available to students to address your child’s needs, concerns and other barriers to learning (e.g. anxiety, difficulty with peers, family change, etc.). These sessions are conducted one-on-one with the school counselor, typically once per week. These sessions are short-term in nature, and are utilized to address any immediate needs and subsequently monitor student progress. Individual counseling referrals for students can be made through the request of a student, parent, or teacher. Should a student need on-going therapy, a referral can be made to an outside mental health provider. See attached for our district-wide list of resources for outside counseling and/or evaluations.
We also partner with the Associated Clinic of Psychology (ACP), which provides school-based mental health services. A therapist can typically work with your child at school during the school day to help them reach their goals. A self-referral can be made directly to ACP, or you can reach out to Mrs. Alladin or Mrs. Felipe to make a referral on your behalf.